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Life's Just Networking, Programme 09/06/10

Feral + QA
Written and Directed by Ryan Haysom

Two friends hiking in the countryside for a hunting weekend stumble across what appears to be a shocking event in the woods. But as time passes, is everything as it seems?

An East London Film + QA
Made by Home Grown Stories

A young boy gets a suprise when he goes to his local curry house. He ends up with a plate of talking rice that has one dying wish... This film was made in East London as part of the Home Grown Stories project. The aim is to make a short film in a new hometown each month. A meeting is held in the hometown and a film is made as result of the talent and ideas that emerge at the meeting as well as input from the local community. This film stars George from Plaistow. It has local businesses as locations and features music from Morpeth School.

Hickory Dickory + QA
Directed and Animated by James Baker

A mouse races against an unexpected clock in a phantasmagoric version of an English nursery rhyme. Clockwork editing and a rhythmic pattern of images are combined with a unusual combination of live action puppetry and animation.

180 + Q/A
Directed by Kim Pettersson

This is the game six enter, five wins and one dies.

When Copyright Goes Bad + Q/A
Directed by Ben Cato Clough

When Copyright Goes Bad is a film about how copyright has become one of the most important consumer issues of the digital age. It argues that corporate lobbying is criminalising hundreds of thousands of people and asks what the future holds. When Copyright Goes Bad features some of the key players in the copyright debate, inluding Fred Von Lohmann (Electronic Frontier Foundation), Michael Geist (University of Ottawa Law School), Jim Killock (Open Rights Group) and Hank Shocklee (Co-founder of Public Enemy).

And Presenting Their New Projects:
Ryan Haysom
James Baker
Ben Cato Clough