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Life's Just Networking, Programme 01/10/09

Kochana Café + Q/A
Written, Produced & Starring Elisabeth Charbonneau

What is your last wish?
Do it now.
It’s the only way to live.

The ingredients to life, with master chef Dragan. Kochana Café.

One Person Street + Q/A
Directed and Animated by Heidi Stokes

One person street is about a world were only one street exists. A gangster type character playfully dances to the good the bad and the ugly as a metaphor for a personal journey that he himself has to build.

Champagne, Christmas & LOL + Q/A
Written and Exec Produced by Barry Lewis

Lauren, a beautiful thirty year old woman, defies her controlling and manipulative partner by staying over and not returning home from her company’s Christmas party. The following morning she faces her anxious lover as she recounts the abuse and violence that she has constantly endured. A jealous reaction from one will lead to tragedy for the other.

Hic + Q/A
Writen and Directed by Nick Reed

Bob hates hiccups. Bob has hiccups. Will Bob get rid of the hiccups or will the hiccups get rid of Bob? A black comedy showing a rogue biological state being met with uncompromising force. Starring Ewen Macintosh (The Office) and Tom Hollander (In The Loop, Pirates of The Caribbean).

The View + Q/A
Sound and Music by Jason Creasey

Shot at Samphire Hoe in Kent, 'The View' centers around a bench overlooking the British Coastline. During the film we are witness to poignant moments in the lives of the location's frequent visitors, who each have their own reasons for being there.

And Presenting Their New Projects:
Elisabeth Charbonneau
Barry Lewis
Nick Reed